
Stretch your spine with twists and forward extensions

Back pain is very common these days and often people do not dare to touch this sensitive area for fear of revealing more serious ailments. However, we must not learn to live with it but make sure that it passes as best we can, provided that these ailments are benign.

For those whose backs are in good shape, this sequence strengthens the entire dorsal muscular structure to avoid possible occasional pain and discomfort.

Once the lower back is loosened, relaxed and toned, the mind relaxes more easily and breathing naturally becomes longer and deeper, and a more or less deep relaxation naturally sets in throughout the body.

This sequence stretches the back in 3 directions, to the sides and forward. Front extensions work the lower body by stretching and decompressing it and engaging the muscles of the outer back. Twists on the other hand work the muscles of the spine itself and help neutralize the curvature of the spine.


|| : postures to be added only for 90 minute classes

|| : postures only for advanced practitioners

ADHO MUKHA VIRASANA Beginners: hands on bricks + forehead on brick if necessary

        - first forearms placed on the ground then slowly progress towards the outstretched arms posture

SUKHASANA (R/L) Beginners: pelvis on brick

- place your fingertips on the ground on each side of your hips + straighten your back

URDHVA SUKHASANA with interlaced fingers

- bring the arms towards the sky + without arching the back + elbows above the shoulders


- turn sideways from the base of the spine + keep your arms alongside your ears


- keep the buttocks on the ground + move the sternum forward + stretch the arms far forward


- stand up straight by stretching your fingertips towards the sky

Do the same from Sukhasana, changing the crossing of the shins and fingers.

BADDHA KONASANA grabbing the feet with the hands Beginners: pelvis on brick + ankle/hand strap

        - interlace the fingers of the hands + grab the feet

        - flap your wings with your thighs a few times to relax your hips

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