

This sequence helps CREATE MOBILITY IN THE SHOULDERS and around the shoulder girdle.

A good parallelism between the shoulder and pelvic girdles and a good placement in relation to the vertebral axis of the body allows easy and more harmonious movements and develops the quality of the postures.

The pelvis and lower limbs maintain balance and movement and the shoulders and upper limbs ensure fluidity and expression with a key tool: the hands.

In certain postures which oppose our nature to have the head up, the shoulder girdle also becomes the base of inverted postures such as Sirsasana, Adho Mukha Vriksasana,…

All the postures by soliciting the shoulders reduce rheumatism and stiffness in this area, ensure good freedom of movement and develop the rib cage.

The shoulder belt being almost right on the chest must have strong muscles all around in order to keep it stable and to correctly follow all the parts of the body that are involved in an arm, shoulder or upper back movement, these are all connected. During these movements the strong muscles prevent muscle contractures that create imbalances on this set. Yoga postures also develop mobility and shoulder awareness.

The complex articulation of the shoulder being little interlocked and yet very solicited in the everyday life must find with the effort precise and conscious axes of work in order not to be injured.


MATSYASANA supported on bricks

        - a medium height brick under the tip of the shoulder blades + a high height brick under the head

AMVIR hands on bricks

        - hands on small bricks, arms outstretched + lowering the chest to the ground

        - hands on medium bricks, arms outstretched + lower your chest to the ground

        || - hands on high bricks, arms outstretched + lower chest to the ground

PARIVRTTA AMVIR on brick low height (R / L)

        - place temple on brick + slide arm under opposite flank

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA hands on bricks 2x








URDHVA HASTASANA feet together + bricks between hands Beginners:feet separated by a width of

URDHVA HASTASANA (R / L) Beginners: back to the wall, press the lower back against the wall + move the little fingers back

- cross the fingers of the hands, turn the palms of the hands towards the sky + press the palms towards the sky

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