
SAHASRARA, the crown chakra

This sequence connects Sahasrara, the crown chakra. Sahasrara, the seventh and the last chakra is symbolized by the color purple and represents the nerve connections. It is nicknamed the crown chakra because it is located at the level of the fontanel of the skull and is associated with the nerve center in the cranium. It does not have a quality of its own but brings unity to the lower six chakras in a more subtle way and ensures that energy flows harmoniously throughout the body. Connecting to Sahasrara allows us to look at our relationship with the Universe, the divine consciousness and it is he who leads to Awakening and Enlightenment.

When Sahasrara is activated our sensitivity and creative sense are heightened , we feel empathy, the heart and mind are free and we feel no fear because our intuition and our communication take us exactly where it is needed.

Rare are the people who have Sahasrara fully connected, to go to this chakra we must learn to let go, no longer be afraid, accept everything that surrounds us (misfortune and happiness) and use yoga whether through asanas, meditation, mudras and pranayama.

Hakini mudra , which means power and which is also the name of the Hindu goddess who controls the mind, is the mudra which allows the integration of the six lower chakras. Thanks to the fingertips of each hand joined to each other, the shape of the hands symbolizes a basket containing what we have most dear and what we need in our life and provides a feeling of unity.

To awaken this chakra, the postures in the sequence should lead to Yoga posture : Sirsasana. Regardless of the variations of legs or arms, the top of the head must rest on the ground, without crushing it and keeping the balance with the intelligence of the body and not the muscles. The eyes can be closed to turn the attention inward and invite withdrawal of the senses.


VIRASANA on brick

        - chants of OM


        - place one hand on top of the head + tilt your head to the side of this hand


- place elbows on large bricks height + bend the elbows, palms of the hands together + release the head

4 LEGS (R / L)

- stretch arms + opposite legs parallel to the floor 2x / side


- press the forearms into the ground + lift up the pelvis to hip height






SURYA NAMASKARA A Lesson 60 minutes: 2x / 90 minutes: 4x

SURYA NAMASKARA B 2x Beginners: practice with Bhujangasana


- place a brick flat on the top of the head

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