

Parivrtta Skandasana is a hip-opening and open-twisting posture. It is translated as the twisting side lunge pose. It's a bit like the big sister of Parighasana.

It mixes many elements at the same time; it stretches the rear thigh of the straight leg, works the femoral head of the bent leg, creates a harmonious twist along the entire length of the spine and opens the shoulders. It stretches the side of the upper abdomen and keeps the abdominal muscles and organs in good condition, the skin of the belly relaxes and remains healthy and it softens stiff backs.

It is a posture that is often found in the practice of vinyasa yoga.



|| : postures to be added only for 90-minute classes

|| : postures only for advanced practitioners


SIDDHASANA for the song of the Oms


        - sharpen the soles of the feet + straight back

        - sharpen the soles of the feet + lean forward + stretch the arms far ahead, fingertips on the floor


        - feet of a mat width + raise the heels to straighten the legs

         ARDHA UTTANASANA fingertips on bricks

- concave back + look far ahead

         PARSVA ARDHA UTTANASANA (R/L) Beginners: Feet hip-width apart

- hand on lower back + opposite hand on brick under the nose + turn the bust towards the upper arm + bend the opposite leg

- stretch the upper arm to the sky

- catch the top of the thigh of the bent leg with the upper arm


VIRABHADRASANA II Mains en Paschimo Namaskara (R/L) Beginners: catch opposite elbows behind the back

        - turn the bust backwards + keep the knee towards the second toe

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