

Natarajasana, the posture of the King of dancers is one of the names of Shiva, lord of dance. Shiva is not only the mystical god of death and destruction but also the Lord of the dance. In his Himalayan abode of Mount Kailasa, as well as in his southern abode, the Cidambaram Temple, Shiva dances. He created more than a hundred dances, calm and gentle but also violent and fierce. The most famous of the dances of violence is the Tandava, the cosmic dance of destruction during which full of fury against his father-in-law Daksa, murderer of Sati his wife, Shiva, surrounded by his servants leads a wild rhythm, destroys Daksa and challenge the world. Shiva, under the aspect of the lord of dance inspired some of the most beautiful Indian sculptures often represented in statue in a circle of fire, it represents the cycles of the life of and death.

This beautiful posture full of vigor is dedicated to Shiva, Lord of the dance who is also the inexhaustible source of yoga.

This posture develops the sense of balance and gives a graceful bearing. It tones and strengthens the leg muscles. The full movement of the shoulder blades ensures a great development of the rib cage. This posture also mobilizes all the vertebrae of the spine.



VIRASANA basin on brick

        - songs of OM

ADHO MUKHA VIRASANA hands on bricks

        - spread the palms of the hands flat on the bricks + stretch fingers

        - turn the biceps towards the sky + resist the elbows away from the ground + lower the shoulders towards the ground


         THE POINTER hands on bricks

- raise the leg and the opposite arm parallel to the ground without arching the back (R/L)

- lift the leg and parallel opposite arm + bend the leg and grab the ankle inside (R/L)

 ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA hands on bricks




TADASANA to calm the breath


- lower hand on brick + grab the top of the thigh of the front leg with the upper hand

- press the front foot into the ground to straighten the leg

         UTTHITA TRIKONASANA hand on brick + upper thigh rolled up with upper hand

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