

In this sequence, you get your students to stretch their hamstrings at the hip opening which is easier to stretch the rear thighs. The hip-opening forward extensions promote a straight back, whereas when you bend forward with both legs together, with the hamstrings stiff, the back will round out to catch the feet in order to compensate the lack of flexibility and this to the detriment of the stretch sought in the rear thighs.

To wake up and warm up the legs and hips, we start on the ground then with a series of standing postures held for barely 2 to 3 breaths. And then we go to the ground.

All of these asanas create extension at the back of the knees and help blood flow widely to the pelvic region and keep it healthy. They prevent the development of hernias, cure mild cases and relieve sciatic pain. Some help to have more regular periods, control their abundance and stimulate the ovaries, it is a benefit for women.

These asanas stimulate the circulation of blood to the spine and relieve pain in the back. The abdominal organs are contracted and each side of the abdomen stretched during the twists. These are very invigorating postures.

Others tone the liver and spleen and thereby help digestion, or tone and activate the kidneys.

To sum up, these are important postures and have the advantage of being able to be taken by most students because they are easily adaptable with the use of props.



PASCHIMOTTANASANA forehead supported 3 minutes Beginners: lying on the back + raise the legs against the wall towards the sky

BADDHA KONASANA Beginners: supported pelvis


SUPTA PADANGUSTHASANA I with strap under the ball of the foot (R/L)

        - keep the ground leg bent with the knee towards the sky


- open the ground leg in Baddha konasana

        - open both knees far to the sides (1 leg is stretched, the other bent)



        - legs slightly bent + align the gluteal bones in line with the back

        - consciously straighten the legs from the top of the shins

         ARDHA UTTANASANA fingertips on bricks

- concave back + slightly bent legs + align the gluteal bones in line with the back

        - consciously straighten the legs from the top of the shins without losing back length


- hand on lower back + opposite hand on brick under nose + turn torso to upper arm + bend opposite leg + stretch the upper arm to the sky


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