

Periods are the cause of many ailments and inconveniences that we often try to hide or overcome while waiting for it to pass… Certain yoga postures can relieve many ailments related to menstrual cycles. In this sequence we will do postures without hardening the belly so as not to create pressure on the organs of the lower abdomen and the abdominal cavity. To do this, you must learn to relax the muscles of the abdominal belt, in particular the rectus muscles, because when they are contracted they exert pressure on organs such as the ovaries and the uterus. In order for the abdominal cavity to expand and the rectus muscles to relax, space must be created in the hips, lower abdomen and in the rib cage. The postures are supported to be able to relax but there is always an engagement in a part of the body to keep the alignment. You have to find neither too much nor too little in each posture. Note that it is very important not to practice inversions when you have your period so as not to reverse the direction of the natural flow which would cut your period. This sequence can be practiced at any time of the day, even after a meal, it is dedicated to the menstrual period but it is also suitable for pregnant women in the first trimester and can be used as a recovery sequence. You can repeat this sequence every day of your period, especially on the second and third days of your cycle.

You must equip yourself with 2 bricks, a strap, a bolster, a blanket.

The time held in the postures depends on the time the students take to settle down. We advise you to take the postures at the same time as your students and to do the steps together one after the other and once everyone is installed, check if everyone is in their posture.


|| : postures to be added only for 90-minute classes

|| : postures only for advanced practitioners

SUKHASANA basin on blankets to sing the Om

SUKHASANA 1st crossing of the legs

- support the pelvis on blankets + relax the hips


- place the hands on the knees + on the inhale hollow out the back + raise the chest towards the sky

- on the exhale round the back + chin to the sternum

|| SUKHASANA 2nd leg crossing

- place hands on knees + make circles with shoulders around hips 10x/side

SUPTA VIRASANA lasted 3 to 5 minutes

- bolster under the back + blanket under the skull + catch the elbows above the head (remember to change the crossing of the elbows in the middle of the elapsed time)

DANDASANA basin on blankets hold for 1 minute to release the back of the knees

- straighten the legs + straighten the back

SUPTA BADDHA KONASANA lasted 3 to 5 minutes

- bolster under the back + strap around the pelvis and ankles + blanket under the head + bricks under the thighs + release the arms at the sides while rolling the shoulders backwards

JANUSIRSAANA lasted 2 to 3 minutes per side (R/L) Beginners: place the forehead on the bolster + bust vertically

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