

Camatkarasana or Wild Thing Pose or also named Flip Dog. Camatkara means miracle or surprise in Sanskrit but it is translated as the posture of the wild thing. This posture is a good preparatory posture to Urdhva Dhanurasana, the wheel, because it trains one side of the body at a time as if it were in Urdhva Dhanurasana. It is therefore a good alternative to back extensions because the spine is strongly solicited, the quadriceps of the leg on the ground stretched and the shoulder of the arm which is on the ground is in external rotation. Camatkarasana gives joy thanks to its opening of the heart and the shoulder girdle, it stretches the front of the and strengthens the back thighs, it creates space in front of each vertebra of the column and opens the shoulders and finally it strengthens the wrists. This posture is very often taken from Adho Mukha Svanasana, downward facing dog, which also works on body coordination, the notion of balance and concentration. It's a fun, aerial, light and dynamic posture that the students love to do! In this sequence, for advanced students, we suggest you link it directly with Urdhva Dhanurasana.


|| : postures to be added only for 90-minute classes

|| : postures only for advanced practitioners

SUKHASANA song of Om

SUKHASANA 1st leg crossing 5x

- stretch the arms out to the sides at shoulder height

- roll the arms forward from the front of the shoulders + roll the head forward + round the back

- unroll the arms backwards from the front of the shoulders + roll the head backwards + raise the chest + arch the back

SUKHASANA 2nd crossing

        - make dynamic movements with the arms like going in Gomukhasana arm 10x


- turn the palms of the hands towards the sky from the top of the arms

- place the palms of the hands flat, keeping the inside of the upper arms facing the sky

 || || TABLE POSE dynamic

        - walk on the tips of the fingers and return to a flat hand as quickly as possible

TABLE POSE align arms

- spread the palms of the hands + index parallel + the inside of the elbows are in front

- move the knees back + keep the arms straight to go into Adho Mukha Svanasana

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