Sequence focused on stretching the hamstrings to move towards HANUMASANA, the King of the Apes pose. This leg posture is both a backward extension (psoas stretch) and a forward extension (hamstring stretch), the pelvis should remain neutral. This class teaches you how to straighten your legs by engaging the quadriceps and how to perform pelvic retroversion.
The back leg stretch is always done in two opposite directions so as not to over-stretch the hamstrings and also stretch the often forgotten lower leg (calf). Instructions: stretch the back of the leg from the bottom of the knee to the heel and from the top of the knee to the ischium. The front leg stretch, the psoas, is achieved by applying pelvic retroversion.
This physically demanding posture stimulates the mula bandha and tones all the muscles of the lower back and legs and strengthens their joints (toes, ankles, knees, pelvis). At the mental level, it creates a state of calm and self-confidence and helps us focus by circulating energy in both directions and thus calms our duality.
You have to take the time to get into the posture and stay there for several minutes to enjoy its benefits.
Thematic sequence on hamstring stretches to go towards postures like Hanumasana, the posture of the king of the monkeys. This leg posture is both a backward extension and a forward extension, so the pelvis should remain as neutral as possible. Students should stay in their comfort zones so as not to injure themselves. You have to take the time to get into the posture and stay there to benefit from all its effects.
VIRASANA brick, songs of Om
UTTANASANA explanations: stretch out your legs!
- feet hip width + hands /bricks Beginners: feet more + than the hips + hands can be / wall
➞ AMS 3-stroke
|| COBRA 3x breaths
- arm CHATU / UMS / AMS
- arm CHATU / UMS / LOW LUNGE Advanced: Chaturanga Dandasana
- || ARM CHATU / UMS / HIGH SLOT Advanced: Chaturanga Dandasana
UTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTASANA I without sling to learn to straighten the ground leg and stretch psoas and flexors
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