

This beautiful posture strongly stretches the neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, thighs, groin and the front of the spine.

This posture stimulates the organs of the abdomen through a kind of massage, which helps to digest better and revitalize the immune system. Practicing this posture in variation helps to treat and control urinary disorders. It regulates hormonal secretions , especially those of the thyroid.

It seeks the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra, Ajna which translates as "beyond wisdom". This chakra opens the mind to information beyond the material world and the 5 senses, sensory perception, intuition or energy. There is a small pine cone shaped gland in the brain that absorbs light, this pineal gland helps you feel awake during the day and asleep at night. When the third eye is balanced, the person is in harmony with the physical and material world.

The first difficulty of this posture is in the unusual positioning of the hips , the rear leg is extended, a classic position for backward extensions but the front leg is in external hip rotation. This position of the pelvis creates difficulty in maintaining balance and proper alignment of the hips.

The second difficulty of this posture is at the level of the large opening of the chest and shoulders to reach the back foot without collapsing in the lumbar region.

In the sequence, you find a long preparation to warm up the arms and shoulders as well as the front of the legs and the opening of the pelvis.


VIRASANA on brick

        - chants of OM

        - Ujjayï breath

        OPENING THE SHOULDERS press the forearms against each other in front of the face bent at 90 °

- make movements up and down 4x

- bring the elbows back above the shoulders 4x

MULA BANDHA press the shins to lift the pelvis slightly + engage Mula Bandha

USTRASANA FLUID (R / L) 3x / side

- move the arms to one side + come to the knees + stretch the opposite arm along ear



BHUJANGASANA arms wider than mat 3x and stay

- body on floor


        - bend one 90 ° elbow then roll onto side of bent elbow


- bend elbows 90 °, palms together + bend one leg 90 ° + take off the thigh


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