ADHO MUKHA VRIKSASANA , "Adho Mukha" means upside down and "Vriksasana" the tree, or the inverted tree posture or more commonly hand balancing.
This inversion posture that requires courage and balance has multiple benefits. This posture develops, energizes and harmoniously strengthens the body. It strengthens the shoulders, arms, wrists, lower back and fully develops the rib cage. She is a good preparation posture for all the other inversions and for the back bends. Like all inversions, blood flow increases and the heart rate must be kept calm. Tissues regenerate with the change in the direction of blood flow in the legs and viscera. The diaphragm is squeezed by the abdominals and then promotes longer exhalations and the amount of carbon dioxide coming from the lungs increases.
Having your head down energizes the mind, builds self-confidence and promotes concentration and adaptation skills. The engagement of the muscles to which it uses also releases endorphins, the hormones of the well-being.
On the spiritual point, when the hands are connected to the earth, the two chakras at the ends of the body, the root chakra Muladhara and the crown chakra Sahasrara, being inverted, it purifies mental clarity and consciousness.
VIRASANA on brick
- songs of OM
VIRASANA in GOMUKHASANA arm (R / L) Beginners: strap /hands
➞ PLANK POSE to gently stretch the back of knees
- protraction / retraction of the shoulder blades and 3x and hold protraction
BIDALASANA / MARJARIASANA knees off the ground 5x beginners: keep your knees on the ground
- up / lower the palms of the hands keeping the base of the fingers on the ground 10x and stay up
- press the backs of the hands together + turn the fingertips to the sky and to the ground 10x
SURYA NAMASKARA B Lesson 60 minutes: 4x / 90 minutes: 6x / Beginners: adapt half Chaturanga or Bhujangasana
➞ PLANK POSE feet joined together + protraction of the shoulder blades Beginners: half plank with joint knees
➞ AMS press your palms into the floor + grip the mat with the fingertips
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